Analysis of the NASH Efficiency Indicators in Brazilian Federal University Hospitals via Business Intelligence

  • Carlo Alessandro Melo Noce Post-Graduation Programm in Biomedical Engineering, University of Brasília at Gama, Brazil.
  • Georges Daniel Amvame Nze Electrical Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, University of Brasília, Brazil
  • Lourdes Mattos Brasil Post-Graduation Programm in Biomedical Engineering, University of Brasília at Gama, Brazil.


The hospital area is constantly in need of care and attention. Because of its urgencies, it has vulnerabilities and risks that hinder the quality of hospital management. Technological management tools are effective in improving processes and strategic administration because they provide information reliability. The aim of this work is to propose to the Brazilian’s Federal University Hospitals (BFUHs) and to the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (BHSC) the use of an open source Business Intelligence (BI) tool, Pentaho, to analyze the efficiency of Hospital Indicators (HIs) and to support the clinical decision-making. This paper describes BI and Pentaho, as well as the main points of the efficiency documentations established by the National Agency of Supplementary Health (NASH), with emphasis on the HIs: Hospital Occupancy Rates (HORs) and Averages Length of Stay (ALSs). The Pentaho does the data extraction and the transformation, as well as loading them into the Data Warehouse (DW), all based on a relational database from BHSC. After that, dimensional cubes are created for the generation of graphic panels in dashboards. Most BHSC hospitals are not yet adequately using their operational beds and neither managing correctly the average length of hospitals patients stay, being outside the goals established by NASH. Several steps are taken to achieve efficient hospital administration. However, the joint working of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) solutions with the health area and its standards provides a major step towards efficient hospital management.

How to Cite
MELO NOCE, Carlo Alessandro; AMVAME NZE, Georges Daniel; BRASIL, Lourdes Mattos. Analysis of the NASH Efficiency Indicators in Brazilian Federal University Hospitals via Business Intelligence. Journal on Advances in Theoretical and Applied Informatics, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 89-97, aug. 2017. ISSN 2447-5033. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 oct. 2024. doi: