Uso dos aplicativos Sway e Adobe Uso dos aplicativos Sway e Adobe para a formação tecnológica no ensino superior

  • Maria Cristina Marcelino Bento Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila (UNIFATEA), Brasil
  • Luciani Vieira Gomes Alvareli Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila (UNIFATEA), Brasil
  • Neide Aparecida Arruda de Oliveira Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila (UNIFATEA), Brasil


This study aims to show the potential of the Sway and Adobe applications to help higher education teachers in the organization of digital material for the student through the analysis of the opinion of higher education teachers who attended technological training meetings. The study was delineated through the action-research methodology about the meeting of teacher training, from a Brazilian Salesian institution, focused on the orientation for the use of software in the preparation of material for the student in the digital era. Twenty-five teachers participated in the meeting. It was observed that the teachers who attended the teacher training were engaged in the search for the improvement of the pedagogical practice. It was concluded that for technologies to be used effectively, it is necessary to verify the needs of the participants in the teaching and learning process in order to assist them in strengthening the pedagogical praxis. The recognition reported by teachers regarding the use of students, after using the software as a pedagogical resource, suggests future research with the students to identify how much this practice can impact the teaching and learning process.



How to Cite
BENTO, Maria Cristina Marcelino; ALVARELI, Luciani Vieira Gomes; OLIVEIRA, Neide Aparecida Arruda de. Uso dos aplicativos Sway e Adobe Uso dos aplicativos Sway e Adobe para a formação tecnológica no ensino superior. Journal on Advances in Theoretical and Applied Informatics, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 111-115, aug. 2017. ISSN 2447-5033. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 oct. 2024. doi: